Dear Brother Darren,
My wife sister Flordilez and I would like to greet you with your whole family whom we love and to all our beloved brethren in Kenosha Church of Christ in the name of the great God and our savior Jesus Christ. We hope and pray that everyone of you is fine.
Last October 4, 2023 I preached with my dad bro. Leo in a followup bible study together with bro. Jechris Mancia in Rebe, Lala, Lanao del Norte. By the grace of God, the work was good for Three souls were coming to the front confessing of their faith to our Lord Jesus Christ. Last month we preached in the house of one among them in Salvador. Brother Jechris Mancia baptized them in the river of Kabongbongan, Salvador.
Last October 20 I preached with my dad bro. Leo in a followup study we hosted in Masurot, Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte. By the grace of God, the work was good for Two souls were coming to the front confessing of their faith to our Lord Jesus Christ. I baptized them in the sea of Masurot. Some brethren who preached with us for we invited them Wilter Samodal, Rhanie Cabalit, Jechris Mancia and Jancery Mancia.
We thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ for He keeps blessing to His church that constantly growing in number as we all labor in Him.
I must close for now. Our fervent prayers for all the blessings to all of you is continuing.
In Christian love,
Evanlee and Flordilez

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