Philippines church
of christ

Help Spread God’s Word


What is our “mission”?

Our purpose is to facilitate spreading God’s word in the Philippines by providing financial support for established preachers.

How much actually goes to the supportees?

The work in our organization is done entirely by volunteers. In addition, our fundraising software charges us no platform or transaction fees. There is some cost associated with sending the money overseas and for currency conversion. Randy is currently working on establishing these costs.

Who are the preachers you support?

We are currently helping support Leo and Evanlee Entroso and are hoping to begin providing partial support for Wilter Samodal soon. Please read their biographies on the Home page.

How can I donate? 

Our online donation system is no longer in operation. To donate by cash or check, please see Randy Murphey, Mick Kadamian, or Darren Taylor.

How can I stay updated on the latest news and developments?

We try to keep the blog section updated as we get work reports and special requests from those we support. Please check the BLOG section often.